Monday, August 11, 2008

Emma at 4 weeks

Emma will be 4 weeks old tomorrow and she has changed so much. She stays awake most of the day. She is more responsive to things going on around her. We can hold a toy up that makes a sound and she will follow it with her eyes. She was skinny when she was born and now she is starting to get a little chunk to her. Some people say I am crazy because she is still small, but I am noticing small things like her arms and thighs getting bigger. She can still wear her NB onsies but has grown out of Her NB sleepers. She is to long for them. She is also starting to make little noises. She is starting to get on a schedule. She usually goes to sleep around 10:00pm, She gets up at 2:00am, and then is up around 6:00 or 6:30. Then after that she eats every 3 hours during the day. She is a pretty good baby and I definitely can not complain about her sleeping. Every facial expression she makes is so cute.

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