Monday, August 25, 2008

Crazy Sunday Lunch

Yesterday we went out to lunch just like we always do after church....but...I was holding Emma on my lap right at the end of our lunch and I picked her up and she had pooped through her clothes onto my WHITE linen pants. No problem I got a baby wipe and got it off as much as possible. We were just going home, which is 5 min. down the road from were we were. While I was wiping down my pants Ryan took Emma out to the car to change her. He changed her in the front seat with her head slanted down toward the back of the seat. He won't do that again!! She peed all over herself and since she was pointed downhill her hair was dripping. It was so nasty. So I wrapped her up naked in a blanket, strapped her in, and took her home for a bath. This is a picture of her when we got home.

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