Saturday, August 30, 2008

Big Girl Swinging

Today Emma was in her swing for the first time without the head support. She is getting to big.

Cub Scouts

Rylan had pack night Monday night. He earned several belt loops, pins, and patches from all the Summer time activities. He was so excited.

Emma and Rylan

Rylan loves holding his little Sister. He is just now starting to hold her other ways instead of her laying down all the time. She doesn't really like being held like a baby anymore. It is so sad she is only 6 weeks old.

She started getting mad at her Brother. Rylan doesn't seem to mind.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

6 weeks and 2 days

Last night Emma slept from 10:30 to 6:30. Mommy was so Happy. It was the 1st night that I have slept through the night in probably over 2 months. Towards the end of my pregnancy I was not sleeping through the night. Although I woke up at 5:40 scared that something was wrong. I went in her room to make sure she was still breathing and She was so I went back to bed for a little while.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

6 weeks old

Emma is 6 weeks old today! I took her to the doctor this morning because since we went to the beach she has had a rash on her neck and behind her ears. I thought it was a heat rash and did not think anything of it. Well it has been over a week and She still has it. So I took her to the doctor this morning and it is just a regular infant rash. He said a lot of babies get it. Anyway they weighed her while she was there and she weights 10 pounds and 13 ounces. She has gotten so big. She has gained exactly 4 pounds in 6 weeks. I could not believe it, I just stared at the scales with my mouth hanging open. Anyway I just wanted to update all of you on how big She is getting.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Emma

Here is my Happy but sleepy girl. I took these pictures an hour ago and she has been sleeping for almost an hour.

Back to School

Here is Rylan on his 1st day of 3rd grade. He has grown so much over the summer.

Ryan and Rylan being goofy this morning.

Crazy Sunday Lunch

Yesterday we went out to lunch just like we always do after church....but...I was holding Emma on my lap right at the end of our lunch and I picked her up and she had pooped through her clothes onto my WHITE linen pants. No problem I got a baby wipe and got it off as much as possible. We were just going home, which is 5 min. down the road from were we were. While I was wiping down my pants Ryan took Emma out to the car to change her. He changed her in the front seat with her head slanted down toward the back of the seat. He won't do that again!! She peed all over herself and since she was pointed downhill her hair was dripping. It was so nasty. So I wrapped her up naked in a blanket, strapped her in, and took her home for a bath. This is a picture of her when we got home.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We went to the beach Saturday through Wednesday. Emma turned 5 weeks old on Tuesday. We went to Oak Island with my Sister, Her Husband, and there three kids. They are almost 6 months, 3, and 6. There was never a dull moment. Emma did great on the way there and back. We stopped to eat and feed the babies and that was it. She didn't sleep to well at night why we were there but She made up for it when got back. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures.

Fun at the beach

Friday, August 15, 2008

Beach Trip

We are leaving for the beach early tomorrow morning. We will be back Wednesday night. We are going with my Sister, her Husband, and there 3 kids. I should have plenty of great pictures when I get back.

Emma in her big girl Crib

Emma is getting so big. These pajama's are 0-3 months and they fit her so good. She has been sleeping in her crib for 2 weeks now. Mommy sleeps much better with her in her crib.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Emma at 4 weeks

Emma will be 4 weeks old tomorrow and she has changed so much. She stays awake most of the day. She is more responsive to things going on around her. We can hold a toy up that makes a sound and she will follow it with her eyes. She was skinny when she was born and now she is starting to get a little chunk to her. Some people say I am crazy because she is still small, but I am noticing small things like her arms and thighs getting bigger. She can still wear her NB onsies but has grown out of Her NB sleepers. She is to long for them. She is also starting to make little noises. She is starting to get on a schedule. She usually goes to sleep around 10:00pm, She gets up at 2:00am, and then is up around 6:00 or 6:30. Then after that she eats every 3 hours during the day. She is a pretty good baby and I definitely can not complain about her sleeping. Every facial expression she makes is so cute.

Church findings

Rylan found a Lunar Moth at church yesterday. It does not matter where we go Rylan can always find something. He is carrying the diaper bag, if your wondering why he has a book bag on at church.

Emma was snuggling with her bunny until....

I pushed it's arm and it started singing Jesus loves me. I think it just scared her. I did not get a good picture but she stuck that little lip out and started crying. It was so sad.

Family Night

Every Sunday Night my Parents, Sister, and I and all our kids and Husbands eat dinner together. Last night we were at our Parents house. I laid Emma and cousin Ben together on the sofa. They are 3 1/2 weeks and 5 1/2 months. Emma is getting so big so fast.