Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blue and Gold

Cub Scouts had there Blue and Gold Banquet Saturday night. For those of you who are not familiar with Cub Scouts, this is the birthday of Cub Scouting. At this celebration the cub scouts receive several important awards they have earned over the year. Rylan has worked very hard to earn several things.

Here he is earning his compass patch. Throughout him being a Webelo he will earn pins to apply to the patch.

Here he earned his Webelo patch. As a cub scout he is suppose to do a good turn daily. Which means he is suppose to do something helpful, but we are not suppose to tell him to do it.
A Parent is suppose to pin his patch on upside down and when he does a good turn, then I can sew it on right side up.
The scout is suppose to pin the webelo pin on the parent.
That is what Rylan is doing in this picture.

Rylan is getting a hand shake from the Boy Scout Master for being one of the four original cub scouts of pack 72. This is his 4th year in scouts.

Rylan earning several activity pins from his Den Leader Andy.

Rylan got to carry the pack flag in the flag ceremony at the beginning of the party.

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