Saturday, February 28, 2009

1st bathtub together

Emma just started sitting up well enough to sit in the bathtub. So last night We put Emma and Ben in the bathtub together for the first time.

Emma loves her cousin Ben.

They are sitting the exact same way.

And again

Ben is thinking...Hey what are you doing? I am not smiling.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Drake and the not so great escape

Drake has to be tied up every time he goes outside because the second you let him out he jumps the fence. Well....he was tied up but he thought he would be smart and still jump the fence. It obviously did not work out to well for him. He is tied up on the other side of the fence now and can not move. Did he learn his lesson? NO! We let him out tonight and he did it again. He is not the brightest in the bunch.

Blue and Gold

Cub Scouts had there Blue and Gold Banquet Saturday night. For those of you who are not familiar with Cub Scouts, this is the birthday of Cub Scouting. At this celebration the cub scouts receive several important awards they have earned over the year. Rylan has worked very hard to earn several things.

Here he is earning his compass patch. Throughout him being a Webelo he will earn pins to apply to the patch.

Here he earned his Webelo patch. As a cub scout he is suppose to do a good turn daily. Which means he is suppose to do something helpful, but we are not suppose to tell him to do it.
A Parent is suppose to pin his patch on upside down and when he does a good turn, then I can sew it on right side up.
The scout is suppose to pin the webelo pin on the parent.
That is what Rylan is doing in this picture.

Rylan is getting a hand shake from the Boy Scout Master for being one of the four original cub scouts of pack 72. This is his 4th year in scouts.

Rylan earning several activity pins from his Den Leader Andy.

Rylan got to carry the pack flag in the flag ceremony at the beginning of the party.

Ben's First Birthday Party



Ben loves food! It was so funny watching him eat his cup cake.

Father and Daughter

Pop and Emma

Emma and Aunty Anna.

Emma's tooth started coming in Saturday and she kept sucking in her bottom lip.


Rylan is playing Upward Basketball at church again this year.

Sometimes we wonder what he is doing, but other times he is pretty good.

Emma likes watching the games and being passed around.
Here is a picture of Emma with her second cousin Taylor.
Emma and I do the time clock usually but yesterday we got to sit in the stands.

She starts to get tired after a while. We are usually there for 2-3 hours every Saturday.
She is a real trooper.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New bathtub pictures

This face is soo goofy. I just had to put it on here.

New Bathing Suit

I know it is a little early but I ordered her a bathing suit from Old Navy and just had to try it on her. I have never seen so many rolls on one arm.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Emma and the lemon

Last month it was a pickle and this month we tried a lemon. Uncle Jay gave her a lemon and just like the pickle she liked it. She is such a strange baby. I would have never imagined that she would have eaten a lemon but here is proof.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Yesterday my Husband picked both of the kids up from day care and when I got home he had a dozen roses for me. I love my Hubby.

Early Birthday Party

My Step-Mother is going out of town Tuesday so last night we had a combined early birthday party. Within 4 days of each other our family has 3 birthday's, my Sister Anna, her son Ben, and Me.

Ben is excited to almost be "one" (or it could just be the cake).

He really enjoyed the cake.

My little brother Logan and Kenzie.

Emma did not like the cake so she thought she would try out the plate.


My Daughter and Son have freakishly long tongues. It does run in the family, but not like this.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Buggy Ride

One of the advantages of being picked up later than some of the other children is that Emma gets to ride in the buggy. She likes the little boy that is sitting beside her. The daycare teacher said she is always rubbing his face. When I got to the daycare she was trying to escape. She does that in her car seat too.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Still sick

Well...Today Emma is at home with her Daddy. She ran a fever all day yesterday. As soon as it was nearing time for more Tylenol her fever would go back up. She woke up Yesterday morning with a wet diaper and then was changed late yesterday afternoon and it looked like she had only peed once. I was worried by last night and called the after hours number. The nurse said that if she did not start having some wet diapers and her fever did not go down we were going to have to bring her back in. She did have a wet diaper when she woke up this morning but she also had a wet diaper yesterday morning. She does not act really sick, she just wants her Mommy and is sleeping a lot more during the day. We are hoping that she starts to feel better soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well today I took Emma to the doctor. She started running a fever this morning and I just knew she had another ear infection in her right ear. Turns out she did have one in her right ear but also in her left. Well now she is on an antibiotic so hopefully she will start to feel better.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day!

There was obviously not enough snow for this today but our Internet has been acting up and I was just able to load pictures. These were taken a couple weeks ago.