Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tuesday Morning

I slept through most of my labor. I know what you are thinking, man you are lucky, but I woke up to contractions every 5 min. apart. I woke up at 1:09am and I laid there for a min. to make sure I was really in labor. I woke my Husband up at 1:30 and said we needed to leave. I threw the last few things in my bag and got everything in the car. We got to the hospital, got into a room, and I had her 24 min. later. Needless to say I had her natural because there was no time for an epidural. The Nurse delivered her and the doctor got there in enough time to deliver the placenta. She weighed 6lbs. 13oz. and was 20in. long. She has a head full of dark brown hair.

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