Thursday, July 31, 2008

Snakes Alive

Tuesday Rylan, Emma, and me went to a Snakes Alive show. They explained how to tell the difference between venomous snakes and non-venomous snakes. Then after that they got to hold or pet all of the snakes and lizards. Here are a few pictures.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Emma went to the doctor yesterday. She weighs 7 pounds even. As you can tell, so far, she likes the doctor. That is until she goes back in 6 weeks to get shots.

Bath time

Emma loves her bath's! Her cord fell off at exactly 1 week

and she has had a bath every night. Her Daddy was bathing her and I was of course snapping some pictures. She is so relaxed.

Cool Emma

Emma and Daddy playing guitar hero

When Emma gets a little fussy Ryan will hold her and play guitar hero. I don't know why but she loves it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

first sponge bath

Here are a few pictures of Emma's first sponge bath. I was giving her the bath, Ryan was video taping, and Rylan was taking the pictures. He did a pretty good job, I was impressed. She hated the bath but loved her hair being rinsed out.

Tuesday Morning

I slept through most of my labor. I know what you are thinking, man you are lucky, but I woke up to contractions every 5 min. apart. I woke up at 1:09am and I laid there for a min. to make sure I was really in labor. I woke my Husband up at 1:30 and said we needed to leave. I threw the last few things in my bag and got everything in the car. We got to the hospital, got into a room, and I had her 24 min. later. Needless to say I had her natural because there was no time for an epidural. The Nurse delivered her and the doctor got there in enough time to deliver the placenta. She weighed 6lbs. 13oz. and was 20in. long. She has a head full of dark brown hair.

Emma Beth born 7-15-08

Sleeping beauty

Emma's hand next to her Daddy's

Coming home!!

Daddy bringing her in for the first time.

Emma and her proud brother Rylan. He is so good with her.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Doctor Again

I went to the doctor again today for a unplanned visit. I thought I was in labor! I woke up this morning with a pain in my lower back that would not go away. I also felt that my uterus was contracting and because of that I was cramping all day. I felt like crap and I went to the doctor at 4:00 and it turns out that I was contracting but was not making any progress. I have a bladder infection, which can cause you to have contractions. I was kind of disappointed because after all of that I was hoping to go ahead to the hospital already. I guess God knows what he is doing, but the anticipation is killing me.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Doctor Visit

Well just to keep you guys posted, I went to the doctor this morning and I am 50% effaced and dialated to a 2. I am still working and everything. I am not in labor but that is where I am as of right now. I am 35 weeks today so it is up in the air wether they would let me go into labor or not. They said at 36 weeks there is no stopping me. Rylan did the same thing and I had him at 36 weeks, so we are just playing it by ear. I will keep everyone posted.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The night of the 4th

Here are a few pictures of everyone enjoying the fireworks.

Kenzie loved the fireworks she did not want them to end.

Ben got a little startled at first but after that he just watched in amazement.

Here is Rylan finally sitting.

We didn't have enough seats so Owen in sitting in the stroller. It was so funny.

Ben is just staring at the fireworks.

Happy 4th of July

Here I am 5 weeks left to go!
Rylan loved these chickens they were so nice he was feeding them right out of his hand.

Rylan and Paw Paw Larry sitting together. Yes that is a toilet seat Rylan is sitting in.

Ryan playing horseshoes

Rylan and the rooster

Rylan swinging the rooster, if you look real careful you can see where the rooster pooped on the swing.

Pogo stick what fun, I was taking pictures. I did'nt think that I needed to join in at 35 weeks pregnant.

Rylan enjoying a hot dog fully loaded.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Emma's room

Well here is Emma's room! I am so happy everything is starting to come together. All we do know is wait. I have a little over 5 weeks to go and Rylan was 4 weeks early so we are starting to get anxious.