Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nap time!

Rylan and Tazer have had a good little Sunday afternoon cat nap. I think the last time Rylan napped was about 10 years ago...haha

Saturday, February 18, 2012

750 peice puzzle

Rylan and I had a date night last

night. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. Then headed home to work on our puzzle. We got it done!

Tazer and Rylan

Rylan and our cat Tazer are best buds! Tazer likes to keep an eye on Rylan.


My little Princess went to a Princess birthday party. She said "Mom I want my hair like a princess" So this is the outcome. I think she looks like a Princess!


This is my new found favorite! Rylan soldered this heart for me a year ago and a facebook friend made the other peices for me and attached his heart to it.

Emma's first sleepover

Ok...So I have been a horrible blogger! I have not posted anything since before Christmas and it is nearing the end of February! I am going to try harder from now on. I do not want to back track to far because I just don't have that kind of time. But I will go back a couple of weeks. Emma just had her first sleepover 2 weeks ago and I have to say it went fairly well. The girls talk a

lot!!!! Also it took them about an hour and a half to fall asleep. That was about the only issue. I hope you enjoy the next few post and I will try not to go so long before I post again.