Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mine and Emma's drawings

Fun outside!

The other day we had a great time just playing outside all afternoon.


On March 22 my little man turned 13! A teenager!!! He is so sweet and growing so much! He wanted a solder gun for his birthday, so besides the fear of the house being burned down, I got it for him. He did make me a super cute heart charm out of paper clips last year. I am so glad to call him my son and can't wait to spend many more years together. I love you Ry man!

My sweet little angel!

We let Emma pick out a prize at walmart and she picked out a nerf gun...go figure!


This is just a picture of our cat Tazer. We love him!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Emma's craft at youth group

Last night at youth Emma had to write her Bible verse down on her own little chalk board. She did an awesome job! She knows several letters and can write them when you tell her too. It takes her a while so I helped her towards the end. We will continue to work with her and eventually she will know them all. It reads "Never tire of doing the right thing. 2 Thessalonians 3:13"

Saturday, March 10, 2012


This is how Emma decided to watch her Saturday morning cartoons!

Emma writing her name

Emma has been writing her name for a while

now. So now that she has her letters some what down pat we are working on writing them in a row and in order. I wrote the first one and she wrote the other two. I think she did pretty good her first time. She continues to write her "E" backwards. We are working on that too. Normally when she writes her name, she has all the letters, but they are in a cluster in some corner of a page.

Rylan, Emma, and Bryson

Emma and Bryson drawing with chalk.

Emma drew a flower

Emma said she was texting...silly girl

Rylan and Bryson playing soccer

Last Thursday Emma had her friend Bryson come home from daycare with her. They had a great time playing outside.


Just about every time we get a case of water we have Emma put them in the fridge. She loves to help out and this is something she usually does very well. Except this particular day. She decided to put them up like this and was not able to shut the door. Silly Emma!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

All by herself

Emma got Lincoln Logs for Christmas and always makes us build them for her. Well tonight she was being very quiet in her room, I went in there, and she was working on this. I think she did pretty good for her first time!

"Homework" time

Emma got this "homework" book (as she calls it) for her birthday back in July. She loves working in it! Today she was sitting at her little table and I walked over to glace at what she was doing. She said she was practicing her "M's". She is my little lefty and I love her to pieces!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nap time!

Rylan and Tazer have had a good little Sunday afternoon cat nap. I think the last time Rylan napped was about 10 years ago...haha

Saturday, February 18, 2012

750 peice puzzle

Rylan and I had a date night last

night. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. Then headed home to work on our puzzle. We got it done!

Tazer and Rylan

Rylan and our cat Tazer are best buds! Tazer likes to keep an eye on Rylan.


My little Princess went to a Princess birthday party. She said "Mom I want my hair like a princess" So this is the outcome. I think she looks like a Princess!


This is my new found favorite! Rylan soldered this heart for me a year ago and a facebook friend made the other peices for me and attached his heart to it.

Emma's first sleepover

Ok...So I have been a horrible blogger! I have not posted anything since before Christmas and it is nearing the end of February! I am going to try harder from now on. I do not want to back track to far because I just don't have that kind of time. But I will go back a couple of weeks. Emma just had her first sleepover 2 weeks ago and I have to say it went fairly well. The girls talk a

lot!!!! Also it took them about an hour and a half to fall asleep. That was about the only issue. I hope you enjoy the next few post and I will try not to go so long before I post again.