Sunday, July 31, 2011

Smith Mountain Lake

Emma is 3 7-15-11

OK, So I am a little behind, but better late than never. Emma is 3 years old going on 13. I know that a lot of people say that but until you have your own girl it is just not the same as living it. I am amazed at some of the things she has said over the last year. Just yesterday she said "Ry Ry, we go to an awesome church" I love to listen to her. She does not play with a lot of toys. Her favorite things are playdough, puzzles, coloring, paint, singing, and dancing. She LOVES music, she is constantly singing and making up songs too. Happy Birthday little Emma, we love you!

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Fish

The kids got new fish tonight. Rylan named his George and Emma named hers Nemo Frogster.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A day at the park!

Today we went to High Point City Lake Park. We started out with a picnic lunch. Then headed off to ride the train. We let the kids play on the playground for a while. Then topped off the afternoon with a carousel ride. The weather was beautiful and the kids had a great time.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th 2011

Mommy and Daddy Photo Time

Ryan and I had a great time the other night taking pictures out on the beach!