Sunday, June 5, 2011

Topping off the night

We went to a 3 year olds birthday party yesterday and came home with this very simple Thomas Top. I never would have imagined that it would have kept my 2 and 12 year olds attention for nearly an hour. They actually fought over it. They had to take turns, it was really quite funny. Tazer was not very happy with Rylan for starting it on his belly.

Chasing Fireflies

My kids had a great time tonight staying up late and chasing fireflies. This was Emmas first time and she caught a few all by herself. Then when it was getting too dark, they let them all go.


Emma is very artistic and loves to play with playdough. The first one she says is a flower. The other picture she said the orange one is a lobster and the blue one is a spider. The last picture is my underwater scene I did.

The kids helping out in the yard