Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Suprise trip to Disney

The kids were about as excited as I thought they were going to be. Rylan at first did not believe us and then started getting a little excited. Emma does not really understand the whole concept, but I think once we get there it will be a whole different ball game. I can't wait!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chalk Time

Emma loves to play with chalk, but personally I cant stand it. I have to give her a bath after every time she plays with it. If you notice in these pictures she is covered in it from head to toe. But like I said, she LOVES it and I cant tell her no all the time.

Destiny and Emma in their recital wear


I just love our cat Tazer and he is so photogenic.

Science Fair 2011

This year Rylan did his project on the effects of milk, OJ, and soda on teeth. He did a great job and earned the Honorable Mention award. Great job Rylan!

Rylan celebrating his 12th birthday

I can not believe it! Rylan turned 12 on the 22nd. Man how time flies. I can not be more proud of him. He is doing great in school, sports, and at home. He has matured so much over the last year. He is such a joy to be around. He blows my mind every day with everything that he knows. Happy Birthday little man, I hope you have another wonderful year!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rylan's first soccer game

Rylan played his first soccer game last weekend and scored 3 goals. He did awesome!

"Star of the Month"

Rylan received star of the month in December and he was honored the certificate at a breakfast a few mornings ago. Way to go Ry!


A few weeks ago Ryan had to go to Minnesota for work. This was also Emma's first time to an airport.