Sunday, January 23, 2011


Rylan made me this super cute charm out of paper clips and soddered them together so I could wear it as a necklace. I love my new necklace and I wear it all the time. Thanks Rylan!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I made Emma this shirt tonight

I think it is my best yet! I am very pleased.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Emma's first time at the Dentist

Emma did great at the dentist today! She was a little scared at first but as long she was in her Daddy's lap she was ok. She let them count her teeth and then they went on to polish them. She sat there very still why they polished them and she was all done. Great job today Emma!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Making Mac n Cheese!

Emma loves to help out in the kitchen. So today we took advantage of being at home and she fixed macaroni and cheese. She did a great job!

She has burned herself once in the kitchen...but has not done it since. That is how I parent, when I tell you its hot and you don't listen, you get burned and you learn from your own mistakes. It has worked so far.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blanket and Monkey!

Bath Time Fun 1-10-11

I got a new camera for Christmas and I just like playing around with it. So tonight we played with water!


Emma colors all the time and is getting really good at it! It might be normal, I don't know, but she is really starting to look at the picture and color the objects in the page instead of just scribbling the whole page.
Here is a couple of her coloring sheets. One in marker and one in crayon. I think she did an excellent job on the flower stems on the marker sheet!

Indoor swing

We went to Ikea and while we were there we saw this swing and just had to get it.