Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

We went to Long Horn for lunch after Church, then it was home for a nap, and we went to my parents house for dinner. Emma and Cousin Ben held hands during the blessing. The guys played a little game of horse. My sister got my Dad a Carolina basketball, he seemed to really like that. Ryan shot the basketball from behind the goal, so then Emma tried to do the same. Then we enjoyed some sweet tea and the babies got a nice bubble bath. It was a great day!!

Emma loves to float on her back in the bathtub

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Catching lightning bugs for the first time

Eating a brownie and ice cream at Bonefish

So Emma was suppose to share with Uncie Jay and her Daddy, but, everytime they took a bite she would get mad and say "my ice cream"

Ryan pushed it away and she was pulling it back.

Sugar Coma

Emma starting swimming by herself

Thursday, June 3, 2010