Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Family NIght 5-15-10

Emma made her own seat

Emma and her Daddy

Eating bubbles

Ben cheesing

Bath time

Sweet baby Ben

Pop and Emma having a serious conversation about smoking cigars.

Emma and Cooper

Enjoying the strawberry patch 5-15-10

We had a great time at the strawberry patch on Saturday. Emma picked a few strawberries and put them in the bucket until I made the mistake of telling her she could eat one. One turned into about 20. Then after we got done picking we headed over to the goats. Rylan and Emma enjoyed that too. After that we enjoyed some strawberry ice cream. Yummy!

Emma sitting with her legs crossed

Emma playing with her helmet on

Family Night 5-8-10

Ryan and Tazer

Tazer begging for some food.

Pool Time 5-8-10

Its hard to believe that Rylan is 3 years older than Owen.

Family NIght 5-1-10

Pool time 5-1-10