Friday, April 30, 2010

Some shirts I made for Emma

Last night I made a couple shirts for Emma. The turtle shirt I made just because I wanted to. The white one I made because I am walking in the Susan G Komen walk on Saturday and I wanted Emma to have a shirt too. I also made a matching hair bow for that one. They do match in person the camera made them two different colors of pink.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Emma catching up on her Bible reading

Emma picked up my Bible tonight and flipped through the pages for about 20 minutes. She was so careful with the pages. It was so cute!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rylan gave Emma a bath tonight for the first time.

He did a pretty good job. When he was rinsing her hair out he knocked her backwards while holding her head. That scared her a little but she got over it quickly.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

21 Months Old

Emma's new favorite thing this month is Fish (bish). She LOVES them. Easter weekend we stayed at Oak Island and while we were there we rode the ferry over to Fort Fisher to visit the Aquarium. She was in all with all the fish (which by the way at this point in her life every sea creature is a fish).
Emma also loves to play outside, she is already getting a farmers tan. She says "play outside mommies or Daddies". When she is outside she likes to: ride on the bikes, play with chalk, slide, talk about the birds and bugs, and when she is at Aunt Anna's she likes to swing.
When she is playing inside I think her favorite things right now are books and Easter eggs. There is not a particular book she is stuck on right now it is all of them. She has a magazine rack slam packed with books and she will bring them all to you one at a time and stack them beside you. Once she gets them all over there she will want you to read every last one of them. Then one by one she throws them in the floor until there all read. When you think your down to your last book she will start the stack all over again. The Easter eggs are everywhere. She will pile them all in your lap, throw them all at the cat, or occasionally put them all back in the basket.
Emma talks all the time. Sometimes she says several sentences and you get one word out of it but most of the time she can say just about anything she wants. She is putting 3-5 words together on a regular basis now. A few of her most regulars are: Where___go? (Daddy, Ry Ry, or Mommy), I play outside, I wanna go night night, Wheres monkey (her sock monkey), Daddy at work, Ry Ry at school. Those are just a few.
The whole potty thing is still being talked about but she still has not actually gone pee pee in the potty. Every night before bath she gets undressed and sits on her potty and says pssss then gets up and says all done. One night about 3-4 weeks ago we were at my sister. Ben and Emma were taking a bath together. Emma had a look of fright on her face and I said whats wrong Emma, she said I stinky. So I pulled her out of the bath tub and quickly placed her on the toilet. She did poop in the potty but not since then. I think she was just scared because a week before that she did poop in the tub with Ben in there and we yanked them both out really quick and it scared her.
That is about it for this month, until next time.......

Friday, April 16, 2010

Farmer Friday

Today Emma's daycare had Farmer Friday. All the kids were suppose to dress up like farmers. Emma turned out looking more like Pippy Long Stocking, I think. Oh well, at least she participated. I put little eye liner dots on her face for freckles and braided pig tails. I am sure by the time I get her from the daycare the dots will be gone and the hair will look crazy. That is why I took pictures this morning.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TaCkEy DaY!!!!

Emma had tackey day at daycare today. I think I did a pretty good job of making her Tackey.