Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Egg Hunts

We went to two different egg hunts over the weekend. One was in my Sisters neighborhood. Unfortunately I was not prepared and my camera died shortly after it started. The other was at our Church which because of the weather had to be inside. The kids still enjoyed it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rylan's Arrow of Light Ceremony

In Cub Scouts you go through several stages. Rylan started Cub Scouts as a Tiger in first grade. That is the youngest stage. The order is Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelo 1, Webelo 2 and then you cross over to Boy Scouts. Rylan did this over the weekend which is a huge change. He goes from depending on Mom and Dad to venturing out on his own and learning how to make good decisions on his own. It is a great program and I recommend it to anyone with boys.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emma pushing around her baby dolls

The baby doll with the blue head was one that my Mom had made me when I was a baby. The cabbage patch kid I got when I had surgery when I was 9 years old. They are Emma's now.

Rylan's last game of the season.

Emma supporting her Dookies...and it worked!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Changing table fun!

Well to start out, I didn't buy Emma a changing table when she was born, I think there a waste of money. Anyway she has a changing pad that sits on top of her dresser. Last night after her bath she was sitting there, bare bottomed, while I lotion her up. She starts shaking and saying "I cold". Then right after that she started to lean over sideways and try to open her drawer under her saying "op op" Which is her short for open. I said Emma what do you want? Her reply was "I need my clothes". There is once again another random sentence. She has said a few sentences before, but so far she has not said them again. She is getting a whole lot more verbal though so I am sure we will start to hear more and more.