Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Finger painting fun!

Hanging out at the house

The Monday after Christmas I had the day off and the kids and I just hung out at the house. Rylan is getting really good at his yoyo.

Snow Day 12-26-10

The kids had a great time in the snow. It was a little deep for Emma so she liked her Daddy to push her in the car.

Christmas Day 2010

We had a great Christmas! We woke up and we opened our gifts from each other. Then we had Ryans family over for breakfast. Later that afternoon we went over to Ryan's Moms house until that night. It was a very nice and relaxing day.

Christmas Eve 2010

We spent Christmas Eve at my parents house and my Dads parents were able to come into town that night. We had a great time!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thanksgiving Meet

Rylan skated in a skate meet Thanksgiving weekend. It was his first meet and he did a really good job!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Homemade curls

The other day I wrapped Emma's hair around strips of cotton and placed rubber bands around them and let her sleep in them. When she woke up, I took them out, and this was the outcome. She said...Mommy, My hair looks soooo pretty. I thought it was precious.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Zip Lining at Kersey Valley

Today Ryan and I took Rylan zip lining at Kersey Valley. It was a little scary at the first drop but after that I think we all got the hang of it. One of the towers was over 100 feet tall and over 800 feet from one tower to the other. We had awesome weather today!