Saturday, December 19, 2009

Go Duke!!

Emma is supporting Her Daddy's team today.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I realized something tonight, every time I tell Emma to say please she rubs her chest while she says please. After seeing her do this time and time again I got to wondering maybe that is the sign for please. I googled it and it is. That is the second time she has signed something and I had no idea what she was doing. I need to get up to date on my signs so I can keep up with my 1 year old. That's sad!

Last Tooth

Emma received her last tooth today until her 2 year old molars start coming in. Yeah we are done for a little while!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Toes

Saturday I painted Emma's toes red. I have not painted her toes since she was a baby. I was Leary about how she would do, but she did great! The whole time she kept saying Oooo. It was so cute. Now every time she sees her toes she says Oooo.

Play and Santa

Rylan was in a play Sunday night and did an excellent job.

Emma did not like Santa at all this year.

Rylan telling Santa what he would like this year.