Sunday, November 29, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Rylan and Emma decorating the tree.

Daddy decorated her hair

Emma trying to put the star on for the first time.

Daddy had to help
Emma was not happy about that

Rylan putting on an ornament

Emma put on the first ornament this year

The final product!

Thanksgiving Day!

We have no clue how Tazer got up there but we noticed him while we were cooking Thanksgiving morning.

Emma cocking a BB Gun.

Pretty drool smile

Rylan in Ryans old, old glasses

Emma cleaning up after dinner.

Emma eating a green tomato

and eating a red one.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas tree trip to Boone

Rylan on the hay ride.

Family pic on the hay ride.

Emma and Me on the hay ride.

Enjoying mashed potatoes at the Daniel Boone Inn.

Ben and Emma fell asleep on the way there and back.

In the van on the way to the Mountains

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Well, today Emma has had many accomplishments. First of all she got another eye tooth.
Then after church I was playing around with her, holding her like a baby, and I was saying "sweet baby" over and over again. She looked up at me and said "baby" plain as day. Later after her bath she wanted into Rylan's room so I showed her how to open the door. Kids are amazing!!! After showing her one time she opened his door over and over and over again. They both got a kick out of it.
Some of you may be wondering how in the world she could open a door. They are french door handles so all she has to do is pull down on the handle and push. She can't pull a door open yet.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Got rid of the Mullet

Emma received her second hair cut today. She was starting to grow a natural mullet and we just could not have that. Now it is all one length. I think it looks better in person.

Cool baby Girl!

another tooth last Sunday

Emma got another tooth last Sunday 11-8-09.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

5k race at Creekside Park

Saturday Rylan ran in a 5k at the park down the street from our house. It was a gorgeous day! He did a great job finishing in 4th place in 32 minutes.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

The kids had a great time Trick or Treating this year. Rylan was the Scarecrow and Emma was Dorthy. I made the costumes about a month ago. I was very happy with the outcome. Rylan ran the whole time and Emma got the hang of it by about the 4Th house. After a while all the babies where put in the strollers with suckers. Emma had her first candy bar on Halloween. Both the kids passed out on the way home.
All in all everyone had a great night and we could not have asked for better weather.