Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another fever :(

Last week Emma had to stay out of daycare 3 days for a fever and the croup. Then tonight she felt warm so before her bath I took her temperature and it was 103.6. I wish she could stay healthy this fall and winter. Last year was horrible!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Emma has a new favorite word!

Emma has a new word, which she uses all the time. She will hand you a toy, piece of dirt, etc. and say "this". She will also point to something she wants and say "this". Everything is "this"!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Were starting her early.

Another Tooth

Yesterday Emma got another tooth in. She now has 10 teeth. The only problem is she likes to use them. Don't make her mad.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

14 month check up

Today I took Emma to the Doctor for her 14 month check up today. Here are her stats:
Weight - 21 pounds 50%
Height - 30 inches 75%

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Tribute to Drake

Tonight we lost a very dear member of our Family. He was 2 1/2 years old and he was a little escape artist. He got out tonight and our neighbor called the cops. Instead of coming to our house and talking to us the cop shot our dog in our neighbors driveway stating that Drake came at him aggressively. If you look at all the pictures we have taken over the last couple of years you will notice that there is nothing aggressive about Drake. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers because we have all suffered a great loss.

A Tribute to Drake

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cleaning Up!!

Tonight Emma started cleaning up for the first time. She has a drawer in the kitchen that we have a lot of different things in (that are not toys) and she loves to drag EVERYTHING out of it. Well tonight she did just that and then she put everything back and crawled away. I was surprised but then thought to myself that I just got lucky. Then I went upstairs after dinner to give her a bath. After I was done bathing her I let her play with her toys for a while. Then when I was about to get her out I said, OK it is time to clean up, and she picked up every toy. She is getting so big!

Monday, September 7, 2009

and on the way home!

At Provision and Co.

At the Point

By the Pier

At the Beach!

Big Weekend

Emma had a really big weekend (as in she accomplished a lot). Emma got 2 molars and She started walking. Before now she has taken 4 to 5 steps at the most but yesterday she really took off. Tonight she stood up by herself from a sitting position in the floor. She is getting so big.