Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lazy 5 Ranch

We had an awesome time at the Lazy 5 Ranch today. I highly recommend anyone with small children to go. Even Emma enjoyed it. You can either drive your car through or ride the horse drawn wagon. I would recommend the wagon so the large animals don't get near your car. Also you have a guide that tells you how to feed the animals and you can feed more than if you were in your car.

Emma petting the animals

Feeding the Giraffe.

Rylan feeding the giraffe.

I did not use the zoom on my camera, this is how close we were.

Feeding the water buffalo.

Again no zoom.

It liked Emma's hand.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Emma and the TV

Emma had to pull every single Wii game and DVD out from under the TV. She pulled them out one by one. She would pull one out, taste it, then throw it. Then so on and so on until she got to the very last one. Then she crawled off to destroy something else.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The kids in the yard

Emma's 1st Birthday Party

Emma had an awesome birthday party. She had several friends over and they all had a great time.

Opening presents!

Feeding Daddy Cake




Emma, Evelyn, Ben, and Amelia

Emma's awesome cake! Thanks Cathy

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma!

This year has flown by. It is so hard to believe that Emma is already a year old.
This morning we gave her a puzzle for her birthday. I sent my camera to the daycare today so they could take pictures of her eating cupcakes. Her teacher got her the Teddy bear and the balloon. Then after dinner we gave her the pool. I think she enjoyed it.

Ocean Isle 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We walked down to the beach to watch the fireworks and the kids had a blast. Emma and Ben were not scared at all, but I think it was because they were so tired they just zoned out.

Eating Sand

Emma's new favorite thing to do is eat sand. She does not care that it is gritty and nasty. She eats hand fulls at a time.

Wagon Ride

Friday, July 3, 2009

Beautiful Girl

Begging for food

Emma had already eaten her breakfast, went in the living room and helped Ryan with his, then came in the kitchen to beg for even more. She will eat all day if you let her.