Sunday, June 28, 2009

Emma's 1st hair cut

Tour De Kale

Rylan, Ryan, and my Dad rode in a 25K last weekend in Denton. It was Rylan's 1st bike tour. He did pretty good.

Vacation Bible School

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bike Ride

Rylan and my Dad are riding in a 25k next weekend and my Dad and Ryan have been trying to get Rylan ready. Today my Dad and Rylan went on a 8 in a half mile ride.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sick Emma

I stayed out of work with Emma yesterday and today. She has had a fever, diarrhea, hand foot and mouth, not eating well, very congested, and all around puny. All she has done is sleep or lay around in the floor. I feel so bad for her I wish I could make it all better.

I took her to the doctor today because she just seemed to be getting worse. While I was there s

he had a diaper full of poop and blood. That freaked me out! They think it is from a cut on her bottom from pooping so much but they are still sending it off to be analyzed.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Saturday my Sister and I headed to the pool. I was so excited to see how Emma would do with her first pool adventure. Well...It had rained a whole lot the day before and the water was ICE cold. I put her toe in and she started screaming. So While the older kids played in the pool the babies had some fun around the pool. I think Emma's favorite time was climbing all around the table. Ben joined her at one point.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Emma and her pocketbook

Monday night, out of the blue, Emma started putting her pocketbook on her arm and crawling around with it. Eventually it would fall off and she would put it back on her shoulder and start all over again. She moved up to an older class on Monday so I am not sure if that brought it on or just watching Ma ma. She did several, more grown up, things that night. She played with her pocketbook first off, then she started rolling a toy car around instead of eating it, and then she stood up on her hands and feet like she was just going to raise up and take off. She is getting so big!