Sunday, May 31, 2009

All Gone

Tonight Nana Ann, Rylan, Emma, and I went to Babies R Us. While we were walking around I had given Emma a bottle of juice. When she was all done she held the bottle in the air and waved her other hand and said "gone gone". We went to dinner after that and she ate all her food and again said "gone gone". Our little girl is just surprising us everyday.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Emma with our flowers

New bike ride

We got Emma a new bike seat because the other one was lower and her helmet would get caught on the side. So far she seems to like this one. The best thing is that it fits on her Daddy's bike. The other one would not and I got stuck with it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

The kids were enjoying a little Watermelon on Memorial Day. Emma had cheese puffs before the watermelon if you were wondering.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

First Bike Ride

We use to go on family bike rides all the time until I got pregnant and then Emma was to little. So we think that she is big enough now to join us on our bike rides. This afternoon we went to Dicks and got Emma a helmet and a bike child carrier. I was a little worried about how she would do with the Helmet because she hates hats but she did great.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I know it seems like a big word but I have other people to vouch for me. Tonight we were at my Sisters house and Ryan was feeding Emma dinner and pulled out a banana. She LOVES banana's! She got all excited and said banana. My Sister and I were not there but on our way home I asked her to say it again and she said Banana. I was shocked! That is a big word for a 10 month old. I think I am just going to have another talker just like her brother.

The Childrens Museum

Today my parents took the older grand kids to a festival and my Sister and I took the babies to the Children's Museum. I was not sure how much fun Emma would have since she can not walk yet but they had a ball. Emma was all over the place, climbing in and out of things, and riding the little buggies. I highly recommend anyone with small children to check it out sometime.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So tonight Rylan had gone upstairs and Ryan and I were cleaning up the kitchen. Emma was in the living room playing and if you have ever been around Emma you would know that she talks continuously. Well she got really quiet and as any parent knows that is not a good sign. Ryan went to check on her and her lap, hands, and mouth were full of dog food. She had probably eaten 4-5 pieces by then. So again I say YUMMY and now you know why.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My flowers are blooming!

I wanted to quickly take a picture of my flowers because they don't last long. They are so pretty!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Strawberry Social

Every year at church we have a strawberry social. We have hamburgers, hot dogs, and any kind of desert you can think of made with strawberries. Emma enjoyed your traditional pound cake with strawberries and whip cream.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still running a fever.

Well Emma woke up with a temperature of 98.7. Well since she went to bed with a fever I stayed out of work with her again. It was a pretty good choice since her fever slowly went up as the day progressed. She went to bed tonight with a temperature of 102.6. Looks like she will be staying home again tomorrow, but with her Daddy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

At home with a fever

Emma woke up with a temperature of 102.0. She just has a cough and runny nose. She was suppose to go to the doctor tomorrow for her 10 month check up but since we went to the doctor this morning they went ahead and did everything.
19 3/4 pounds (50th%)
29 3/4 inches (90th%)

It is hard to believe that my Daughter and all her rolls is tall and slender!


Here are a couple of pictures of Emma's teeth. It is not easy to get a picture of the top one.

Mothers Day Pictures

Monday, May 4, 2009


Last night around 6pm Ryan, Rylan, and I were sitting on the sofa. Ryan's Mom had just left our house and Emma started crawling across the floor. She acted like she had been doing it for months. There was no one knee and then fall. She just crawled right across the floor.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Family photo

Emma sleeping in the car after church

Church Nursery

Emma and Bryson being silly!

Pinewood Derby

Rylan raced his car in the Pinewood Derby last night and got first place in his class and second place overall.

Emma doing Laundry

Emma was helping me do laundry yesterday. In other words eating the clothes and throwing them in the floor.