Monday, April 27, 2009

Emma's 3rd tooth

Emma got another tooth on the 22nd. It is still barely sticking out but when she gets frustrated she balls up her fist and grits what little tooth she has. It is funny, if I can ever catch it on camera I will share it with you.

Reading in Sunday School

Emma and Dawson were reading books in Sunday School Nursery yesterday. I thought it was too cute and had to take a picture.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Naked Time

We try to tell everyone it is not the diaper. It's all her! I love her thighs and tooshy. I wanted to share the love.

Tie Die Day!

Emma's whole class and her Teachers Donna, Doris, and Jessica.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pajama Day!

See my Pajama's?

In the Front: Kaylee, Madeline, and Emma
In the Back: Zoe and Alexis

Carson is in the Exersaucer


Emma playing with Madeline.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This week at Emma's daycare is "Week of the Young Child"
Monday - Parade
Tuesday - Tacky Day
Wednesday - Pajama Day
Thursday - Tie Die Day
Friday - Bake Sale
Here are a few pictures of today's Tacky Day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Better late than never!

Here are some pictures from Easter day (thanks to Nana for having a charged camera).
I like brothers Easter present.

Daddy who stole all my candy?

Look what I got!

Give Daddy kisses

Do I have sauce on my face?

Surgery went great!

Emma's Surgery went great today! When we first got there we were wondering how she would do without eating for so long. As you could tell from the pictures she did awesome. Several different nurses came in there and were checking her pulse, breathing, and temperature and she just sat back and let them do what they had to do. Around seven they were done messing with her and she laid back on me and went back to sleep. They came and got her and luckily she stayed asleep so we did not have to see her cry when they took her away from us.
Once the surgery was over she screamed an ear piercing scream for about 30 minutes and then we left around 8:15.
All in all it really was not that bad.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I wanted to let everyone know that Emma's surgery is going to be tomorrow morning at 7:30am at Thomasville Medical Center. I also wanted to thank everyone for there prayers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Starting to pull up

Emma is still not crawling but she is starting to pull up on her knees.

Matching Shirts

Emma got a new shirt over the weekend at the beach. Rylan got the same shirt last year and was very excited that Emma had the same shirt as him. So yesterday morning I brought her downstairs in her shirt and Rylan ran upstairs and changed into his. I took a picture yesterday when I got home.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lady Bug

This morning before work I was running around the house getting stuff together to walk out the door. Emma was sitting in the floor playing with her toy and I glanced at her and noticed that she kept taking something very small in and out of her mouth. I asked her what she had (like she was going to answer me) and she just grinned at me. I got a little closer and realized it was a lady bug. Nasty!!! You would think that as bad as they smell that they would taste horrible. I guess it was not that bad.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We went to Oak Island over the weekend and here are a few pictures. I will have more to come because my battery died so Nana saved us.

Nana Ann and Emma

Egg hunt in the bathing suits.

Of course Rylan found a lizard.

Rylan and Tristan in the ocean. By the time we left Rylan had "TRIPPED" in the ocean. Yeah right! Kids just don't believe we are smarter than that.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well...Emma went to the ENT yesterday morning and she is getting tubes. Her surgery is scheduled for Friday April 17th at Thomasville Medical Center. I will not know the time of the surgery until the day before. Hopefully she will be able to be first in line since she will not be able to eat or drink after 12:00. That is going to be interesting!
Please keep her in your prayers. As I have said before, I know that children get tubes all the time, but it is still concerning when they have to be put to sleep for any surgery.