Saturday, March 28, 2009

Super Baby

The other night we were at Nana's house and Emma was drinking water and spilled it all over her pajamas. While they were drying we tied this dish cloth around her neck so she could continue to drink water. Well...we decided to turn it around and have a super baby. I snapped a few pictures.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ear Infections

Hi Everyone,
As some of you may know, Emma has had an ear infection for almost 3 months. She has been on every antibiotic they can think of. She went back today for a check up after being on Suprax. Her ear is still infected after that. She is getting another round of Rocephin shots today and tomorrow and being placed on a steroid. She goes to the ENT on Wednesday morning to talk about tubes. I guess it is not that big a deal and kids get them all the time. Ryan and I both had them. It is just the fact that your little baby is going to have to be put to sleep for surgery. Rylan did not have to go through that but he did have his tonsils removed at 3 years old.
Please keep Emma and us in your prayers as we go through this. I will keep you informed as to when the surgery will be.
Thanks for all your love and support,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday 3-22-99

Rylan is 10. That is hard to believe. He has been through a whole decade. I can still remember the day he was born. After three days of labor when he finally decided to reveal himself to the world. He has always been a little ball of energy. Ready and waiting for what is in store next. He is a real trooper, a go with the flow I might should say. He has always been ready to take on anything. He has done so many things in the last several years like parasailing (at 5yrs old), water tubing, knee boarding (at 3 yrs old), skiing, running 5k’s etc. Rylan is so smart and ask all kinds of questions. I am very proud of my little man and all his accomplishments and cannot wait to see what lies ahead.
Happy Birthday Little Man!
Love Mommy

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Stroller!!!

Today I got my new stroller and I love it!!! Best investment ever! It is an umbrella stroller but has all the amenities of a big stroller. It is so light and it reclines. It has a cup holder for the parent and a basket in the back. The hood goes even further down than the picture shows. I only have it half way out. Did I mention it was light and folds like an umbrella stroller. I will never buy another stroller.

Happy St. Patricks Day!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Science Fair

Last night we went to the science fair at Rylan's school.

Here he is standing in front of his project. He is so smart. He did his project on which metal makes the strongest magnet.

Here he is shaking hands with the Mayor for getting the Honorable Mention award for his class.

A beautiful day at the Park!

Last weekend was beautiful. We took full advantage and made our way to the park. We all had a great time. It was a little warmer than I thought it was going to be so Emma lost the pants why we were there.

First we started out at the play ground. Emma liked it but she wasn't excited. Rylan liked sliding with her.

Daddy liked sliding with her too.

Then we headed over to the swing. It wasn't long before she found out what it tasted like.

Rylan was begging to play Frisbee so we did that for a little while.

Emma enjoyed watching.

Last Practice

Rylan played Upward Basketball this year and there very last practice the have a scrimmage of Dad's vs. Son. Ryan and Rylan had a great time.

Snow Day March 2nd

This is a picture of our fence and a tree in our front yard. It was gorgeous!

March 1st Ski trip

Ok, I admit, I have been very slack on the postings lately. Rylan and I went to West Virginia to go skiing with Cub Scouts on March 1st. He is the one in the very bright blue and yellow snow suit. This was his 1st time ever skiing. He was awesome!!!! As soon as he put on the skis he basically caught right on. He was swerving around people and not slowing down for nothing. In skiing you have green, blue, and black slopes. Green being the easiest. He went strait to blue and wanted to to black but Mom did not want to. I Trula believe he could have done it but I did not want him going by himself. Anyway we had a great time and we got to come home to snow the next day.