Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baby Food

Emma absolutely hates baby food from a jar. She gags and almost makes herself throw up.
Sooo...my Sister is a stay-at-home Mom and makes her own baby food. I asked her to bring some over when she came to my house Sunday night and what do you know, she loved it. I barely have time to keep the house clean between work, cub scouts, basketball, and everything else we do, but now I get to make baby food. It is a good feeling though when you know your giving your child something healthy and fresh and you know what is in it. The other benefit is I can give her things they don't offer in baby food, like Mango's and Avocado's.
Here is a picture of Emma after we were done trying to give her peas. She seemed pretty relieved.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Flying Emma

We had a wonderful Christmas. We did things a little differently this year. Instead of traveling from house to house we had everyone come to our house. Emma loves her crib and gets a little fussy when she is tired. So being at home was very nice because we could just lay her down in her crib and then she was good to go. Everything went very smooth and Rylan was able to play his new video game and jump on his trampoline Santa brought him. It made for a very good Christmas.
At the end of the day when everyone had gone home Emma and her Daddy played in the floor. That is very exciting for a 5 month old. Emma liked flying in the air. That was something new for her. Pretty much everything she does is new. That is what makes having a baby so exciting. Then at the end of the night she gave her Daddy several slobbery kisses and headed off to bed (with the help of Mommy).
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Present

This year I received the first present under the tree. I have no idea what it is, Rylan was up in his room all afternoon, making it, and wrapping it. He is so proud. I can not wait to open it. I will keep you posted on what it is.

Christmas Party with the YAC class

Last night our Sunday School Class went to Kabuto's and then back to Brian and Leslie's for games and dirty Santa. This was Emma's first trip to a Japanese Steak house. She loved it! We took her Bumbo seat and she watched the whole thing. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of her face when they did the fire. It was "priceless". These pictures were taken at Brian and Leslie's after Kabuto's while we were opening gifts.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Emma holds her bottle

Emma can hold her bottle now! Sometimes she will try to hold it the whole time but for right now she will hold it for a little while. She likes to pull it out and then put it back in her mouth.

Fox 8

Monday night Cub Scouts went to FOX 8 to drop off a gift and see the studio. Here are a few pictures I took.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Emma was not happy that night. She literally screamed the entire time. I think it was a mixture of her being tired along with all the noise. This is the only picture that she did not cry in.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Visiting Santa for the 1st time

We went to a play at Church tonight and Rylan and Emma were intrigued by it.

Yeah!! Emma liked Santa. My Husband got her to smile on Santa's lap and I just happened to capture the moment. I was so excited.

Candle Tea in Old Salem

Saturday we went to the Candle Tea with my family. Emma was in a great mood in the 2 hour line outside in the cold.

Emma and Rylan in the first room we go into at the candle tea.

About half way through the candle tea Emma had enough and could not stay awake any longer. One great thing about Emma is that all you have to do to get her to go to sleep is lay her on her belly but there is a down side to that. When we are out you can not set her in her car seat or rock her. So I found a bench folded her thick blanket in half and laid her down. She was literally asleep in 30 seconds.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Emma's 3 month daycare picture

Cutting down the tree in Boone

decorating the tree

Emma thought she was suppose to eat all the ornaments.

This was my hand on my first Christmas. Emma was mistaking it for hers.