Friday, May 30, 2008


Rylan Decided to bring home a little surprise from daycare yesterday. He took it to school this morning for show and tell. It gave them something to do since it is the end of the school year. The class did a little research on it an decided that it was a tobacco caterpillar and can get up to 5 inches long.

Crossing Over

Rylan had his crossing over ceremony for cub scouts last Saturday night. He went from a Bear to a Webelo.

Monday, May 19, 2008

One of our Puppies

This is our Pitt Bull "Drake".
He weighs around 75 lbs. He is the biggest baby you will ever meet. We always find him in the strangest positions on the steps. He loves to give kisses! He will slap one on you when your not even paying attention. We gotta love him.

My Hubby and Drake.

There the same height but Drake weights about 25 lbs. more.

There so goofy!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Planting Flowers

Today my Husband was in a golf tournament, so my son and I made our way to Lowes to get some plant's and flowers. Several weeks ago my Husband pulled some half dead bushes out of these areas and today we made them pretty. Rylan did such a good job helping me out. He loves working out in the yard. The weather was beautiful. I could not have asked for a better day!

Finished product

Monday, May 5, 2008

Running strong

Go Far May 3rd

Rylan ran in a 5k on Saturday and finished in 28 minutes.
He was awesome. He won two metals and a trophy.
He was the first kid to finish. He placed 12th out of over 100 runners.