Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mine and Emma's drawings

Fun outside!

The other day we had a great time just playing outside all afternoon.


On March 22 my little man turned 13! A teenager!!! He is so sweet and growing so much! He wanted a solder gun for his birthday, so besides the fear of the house being burned down, I got it for him. He did make me a super cute heart charm out of paper clips last year. I am so glad to call him my son and can't wait to spend many more years together. I love you Ry man!

My sweet little angel!

We let Emma pick out a prize at walmart and she picked out a nerf gun...go figure!


This is just a picture of our cat Tazer. We love him!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Emma's craft at youth group

Last night at youth Emma had to write her Bible verse down on her own little chalk board. She did an awesome job! She knows several letters and can write them when you tell her too. It takes her a while so I helped her towards the end. We will continue to work with her and eventually she will know them all. It reads "Never tire of doing the right thing. 2 Thessalonians 3:13"

Saturday, March 10, 2012


This is how Emma decided to watch her Saturday morning cartoons!